2020 Grant Recipient: Prevent Child Abuse New Jersey


The Organization:

Prevent Child Abuse - NJ (PCA-NJ) was founded in 1979 with a mission to prevent abuse and neglect in all forms for all of NJ’s children. The organization works to support families as early as possible--including during pregnancy--to ensure the best possible start. PCA-NJ supports 11 prevention programs serving more than 38,000 families a year in NJ and their model has been adopted as statewide practice.

The Challenge:

Early childhood trauma and toxic stress are directly linked to short and long-term negative physical and mental health consequences for children, lasting their entire lives. Nearly 40% of NJ kids have had adverse childhood experiences (ACES) pre-pandemic and schools/ communities are now, more than ever, facing high levels of trauma and adversity. Post pandemic, Essex County teachers and kids will face additional challenges upon return to school. Abuse, neglect, traumatic loss, and family or community violence can literally rewire a child’s brain architecture to cope.

The Project: Children’s Wellness Initiative: Healing Hearts and Restoring Resilience

PCA-NJ’s Children’s Wellness Initiative (CWI) addresses the needs of the whole community, using a tested and proven trauma-informed approach. PCA-NJ will train and coach the teachers and staff of five Essex County schools and/or day care centers to better understand how trauma impacts a child’s brain, inhibiting the potential to learn. Each teacher will receive supplies including a “calm down kit” with visual aids to promote mindfulness that can be used in-person or virtually. The CWI techniques will translate to all students in each classroom, as students are not singled out. Parents will be taught how to engage with the school community and support their child’s social-emotional health through these new approaches. This program is adaptable as a virtual approach as well.

The Grant:

The Impact100 Essex funds will be used to cover the entire cost of program implementation, including:

  • Personnel costs

  • Related training/coaching costs (equipment, printing, travel as needed)

  • Materials/supplies for schools (calm-down kit contents, magnets, posters, sensory decals)

  • School and family incentives

The Impact:

Through these efforts, staff will develop a “trauma lens” to better support students and children will build resilience. Families will increase their understanding of trauma’s impact on their child and learn parenting strategies to promote a healthy home environment. An estimated 1500 children will be served by the teachers in the selected schools and programs over the grant term. PCA-NJ’s experience illustrates how a school can be transformed when staff understand how trauma/toxic stress affects a child’s brain, and when parents have increased confidence and tools to address challenging behaviors. This program builds a community of support surrounding the child by educating teachers and parents ultimately transforming the dynamics in the classroom and at home.


2021 Equity Grant Recipients


2019 Grant Recipient: MEND